Post Date: 2nd May 2014
College Name: National Institute of Animal Biotechnology
Event Name: International Conference
Workshop Objective: An understanding of the interactions between host and pathogen is very essential for effective prevention and control of infectious diseases. Interdisciplinary approaches are needed for deciphering the interactions between the host and the pathogen. This international conference on host-pathogen interaction (ICHPI) will focus on the basic and advance studies of host-pathogen interactions with respect to livestock and poultry including zoonotic infections. ICHPI is aimed to create a platform for scientists, post-docs, and students along with leading industries in veterinary health to gather under one roof and share the cutting edge research findings. The sessions in the conference will engage a variety of disciplines in molecular biology, microbiology, immunology, genetics and genomics, related to host-pathogen interactions. In addition, focused brainstorming sessions will be organized on the emerging issues of infectious diseases which are of national and international importance.
Conference Session:- Host-Pathogen Interactions
- Infection, Inflammation and Immunity
- Antibiotic Resistance
- Translational Research - Vaccine and Diagnostics
Location: Hyderabad
Important Dates:
- on or before 12th July 2014
Registration Fees:
| Regular | Student |
Before May 30, 2014 | 5,000 | 3,000 |
Before July 11, 2014 | 5,500 | 3,500 |
Onsite | 6,000 | 4,000 |
Event Date: 12th to 15th July 2014
Official Website: Click hereMode of Payment:. Interested Candidate may apply on onsite on or before 12th July 2014
Official Link: Click hereShare With Your Friends