Post Date: 2nd May 2014
Event Name: International Conference
Workshop Objective: Rapid technological developments in the materials and the manufacturing methods are essential for the new class of industrial and domestic products, which are quite different from their current designs.This international conference provides the platform for active interaction to Industrialist, Engineers, Scientists, the policy makers, Academicians to discuss the activities, researches and developments in depth about the advanced trends in the design and manufacturing technologies of industrial and domestic products. The awareness about possible use of the advanced materials and manufacturing technologies will certainly
help to deliver high quality and cheaper products to the society and the world.
Call for Papers:- All papers accepted for presentation will be published in the proceedings of the conference subjected to the payment of registration fee. The best papers will be published Journal of Technology Spectrum
Location: Hyderabad
Important Dates:
- Receipt of Abstract: :15th June, 2014
- Acceptance of Abstract Intimation : 30th June, 2014
- Submission of full paper with CD: 10th August, 2014
- Acceptance of paper Intimation : 7th September, 2014
Registration Fees:- Industry Participants : Rs. 3000/-
- Academic/Research Institutions : Rs. 2500/-
- Research Scholars : Rs. 1500/-
Event Date: 25th to 27th September 2014
Official Website: Click hereMode of Payment:. The D.D from any National Bank should be drawn in favor of Organising Secretary, AMMT, JNTU,Hyderabad, payable at SBH, JNTUH, Kukatpally
Official Link: Click hereShare With Your Friends