Event: INSIGNIA 2k18
Event Date : 11th August 2018
Paper Presentation
- Applications of AI
- Privacy and security
- Cloud computing
- Hacking used for security purpose
- Maximum two members in a team is allowed.
- The soft copy of the paper in IEEE format should be sent to insignia2k18ppt@gmail.com
- Confirmation mail will be sent to the shortlisted papers.
- Two hard copies of the paper should be submitted before presentation.
- The Presentation should not exceed 8 mins and a query session will be conducted for 2 mins.
- Coding
- Querying
- TechBundle
- Surprise event
- Workshop
Ms.P. Sailaja : 9940469025
Mr.S. Rakesh Kumar : 7010138380
E-mail : insignia2k18@gmail.com
College Website: www.velammalitech.edu.in/