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Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College Conducting International Seminar On Emerging Trends In Personal Financial Management

College Name: Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College

Event: International Seminar On Emerging Trends In Personal Financial Management

Event Date : 26th & 27th February 2016

About Event: Personal Financial Planning is one of the most important tools in solving most of the problems in one's personal or family life and also addresses the nation's development needs. The Government too develops  policies in such a way that the personal savings are made useful for the nation's economic development.  Most of the problems in life are either directly financial or indirectly financial in nature. Failure to manage the  day-to-day finances and unable to save for short and long term goals may lead to severe stress and tension  in everyone's life. Even if one is able to save, the problem of investing the savings is another issue by itself.  Savings are safe but investments are riskier. Expenditure rises to meet the increasing income. These are the two eternal paradoxes about which we can deliberate and get clarified on an occasion like this.

Topics for Research
  • Investor Education – who can and how effective they are.
  • Saving for short-term and long term objectives
  • Investment avenues and risks for the small investor
  • Impact of On –line trading (in the share market) on personal savings and investment
  • Women's role in household saving and investment
  • Investment, Insurance and Tax Planning
  • Financial Security through personal financial planning and management
  • Factors influencing personal financial management decisions of various categories of income earners: 
  • The small business men, the salaried private/government sector employee, different age groups, different income groups and those who are risk takers and risk averters.
  • Retirement Annuity Plans and their evaluation
  • The macro level issues: Income, Savings and Investment in a Nation- changing paradigm
  • Risk Management with the changing interest, inflation and external investment threats
  • National Securities Exchange and its role in providing a better saving and investment climate 
  • Role of regulating authorities
  • Wealth Management as a profession and its role in financial planning for the individuals
  •  Personal Financial Planning in: Developed Countries | Developing Countries | Underdeveloped Countries 
  •  Do not save what is left after spending but spend what is left after savings (Warren Buffet)
Registration Fee: 
  • Non-resident : $ 100
  • Service & Industry Experts Rs.2600
  • Faculty members Rs.1200
  • Research Scholars Rs.1100
  • Students Rs. 900
  • In absentia Rs. 1300
Important Dates:
  • Abstract Submission by soft copy 27.01.2016
  • Notification of Acceptance 01.02.2016
  • Submission of full paper in hard copy along with the registration fees on or before 10.02.2016
  • Seminar Dates 26.02.2016-Friday & 27.02.2016-Saturday
For More Details: Clickhere

Ms. N. Chitra
Co-ordinator, International Seminar & Head, 
Department of Commerce (CA)
Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College, 
Pollachi - 642 107.
Mobile No.: +91 9865914748 | Email :

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