- Investor Education – who can and how effective they are.
- Saving for short-term and long term objectives
- Investment avenues and risks for the small investor
- Impact of On –line trading (in the share market) on personal savings and investment
- Women's role in household saving and investment
- Investment, Insurance and Tax Planning
- Financial Security through personal financial planning and management
- Factors influencing personal financial management decisions of various categories of income earners:
- The small business men, the salaried private/government sector employee, different age groups, different income groups and those who are risk takers and risk averters.
- Retirement Annuity Plans and their evaluation
- The macro level issues: Income, Savings and Investment in a Nation- changing paradigm
- Risk Management with the changing interest, inflation and external investment threats
- National Securities Exchange and its role in providing a better saving and investment climate
- Role of regulating authorities
- Wealth Management as a profession and its role in financial planning for the individuals
- Personal Financial Planning in: Developed Countries | Developing Countries | Underdeveloped Countries
- Do not save what is left after spending but spend what is left after savings (Warren Buffet)
- Non-resident : $ 100
- Service & Industry Experts Rs.2600
- Faculty members Rs.1200
- Research Scholars Rs.1100
- Students Rs. 900
- In absentia Rs. 1300
- Abstract Submission by soft copy 27.01.2016
- Notification of Acceptance 01.02.2016
- Submission of full paper in hard copy along with the registration fees on or before 10.02.2016
- Seminar Dates 26.02.2016-Friday & 27.02.2016-Saturday
Ms. N. Chitra
Co-ordinator, International Seminar & Head,
Department of Commerce (CA)
Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College,
Pollachi - 642 107.
Mobile No.: +91 9865914748 | Email : finman2016@stc.ac.in.