College Name: Mepco Schlenk Engineering College
Event: Two Days Workshop on Multi Criteria Decision Making Methods
Event Date : 4th to 5th December 2015
Organized by: Department of Information Technology
Event Details : The main objective of this workshop is to promote the impact of mathematical models that underlie computer programs that support decision making. This workshop provides an insight to the participants to evaluate and improve the quality of information in the face of certainty, to present and clarify options, to model available alternatives and their consequences, and to control the smaller decisions necessary to reach a larger goal. Finally the proposed workshop promotes the use of fuzzy logic for improving the accuracy of decision making as well as various optimization techniques relevant to applications in engineering sciences. It also highlights the successful applications of decision making in various areas aimed at educating researchers as good decision makers.
Course Content:
- Introduction to Multi Criteria Decision Making
- Mathematical models of decision making methods such as SAW,WPM,TOPSIS, AHP & PROMETHEE.
- Role of fuzzy logic in multi criteria decision making
- Introduction to Optimization Techniques
- Case Studies and applications of decision making methods – IEEE and Elsevier Journals
Registration Fees :
- Rs.800/- for Academicians /Research Scholars
- Rs.600/- for PG Students
Important Dates:
- Last Date: 27th November 2015
For More Details: Clickhere
Sr.Prof. and Head / Convenor,
Workshop on Multi Criteria Decision making methods,
Department of Information Technology
Mepco Schlenk Engineering College,
Mepco Engg. College Post, Sivakasi - 626 005,
Virudhunagar Dist.
Phone 04562 -235366