Post Date: 1st May 2014
College Name: Kongu Engineering College
Event Name: Workshop
Workshop Objective: The main purpose of this “Hands on Training on NS2” is to create awareness and enrich knowledge for research scholars, faculty and students in the area of Network simulation using NS2. This training is aimed at enhancing the skill and knowledge in the fields of networks, especially wireless ad hoc networks.
Program Contents:
- Overview of NS2 and NS2 Installation
- Working with simple examples – wired and wireless scenario
- Working with existing protocols
- Simulation and interpretation of trace file
- Trace file analysis using awk scripts
- Plotting xgraph
- Performance evaluation of routing protocol
- C++ and Otcl integration method
- New Agent creation
- Creation of New Packet structure
- Sending and receiving our own packets
- Design and recompilation of new protocol
- Last date for receipt of Applications: 2nd May 2014
- Intimation of Selection : 3rd May 2014
- Confirmation by participants : 4th May 2014
- Registration Fee -Rs.1000/-
- Accommodation and Boarding- Rs.200/- per day