Post Date: 29th April 2014
College Name: Sathyabama University
Event Name: International Conference
College Details: Sathyabama University was established under section (3) of the UGC Act, 1956 (A Christian Minority Institution) which was formerly known as Sathyabama Engineering College established by JEPPIAAR EDUCATIONAL TRUST in 1987. It is a pioneer institute imparting knowledge in the areas of engineering, science, technology and education. The institution's progress and contribution in the field of technical education for over two decades made the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India to grant Deemed University status on 16th July , 2001 and University status on 13th September , 2006 under section(3) of the UGC Act, 1956.Sathyabama University under the dynamic leadership of Honorable Chancellor Colonel Dr. JEPPIAAR, Madam Chancellor Remibai Jeppiaar, has been strengthening university development activities to bring fruits of research for betterment of the society with the able support and valuable guidance of Dr. Marie Johnson and Dr. Mariazeena Johnson, Directors, Dr. B.Sheela Rani, Vice-Chancellor,Dr. T.Sasipraba, Dean, (Publications & Conferences) , Dr. P.E.Sankaranarayanan, Dean (Academic Research), Dr. S.S.Rau, Registrar and Dr. K.V.Narayanan, Controller of Examinations.
Call for Paper:
- Advanced materials for coal fired thermal power plants
- materials for renewable energy storage and conversion -Batteries-Supercapacitors -Fuelcells-Hydrogen storage-Photovoltaics and solar cells
- Materials for renewable and sustainable fuel production -Hydrogen production and fuel generation, photocatalysis & bio-fuels
- Materials for Thermal and fast breeder reactors
- Surface Engineering of Materials
- Materials for energy Saving-Thermoelectrics
- Novel illumination sources for efficient lighting & Energy saving in buildings
- Materials - modeling and theoretical aspects
- Advanced characterization techniques for energy materials
- Full Paper Submission - 30th April, 2014
- Intimation of Acceptance -10th May, 2014
- Camera ready paper -15th May, 2014
- Early Bird registration -25th May, 2014
- Last date for Registration -30th May, 2014